The Quant Dashboard

Every Quant Portfolio has a Quant Dashboard. You can access the Quant Portfolio Dashboard from the menu on the left by clicking on the Quant Portfolio.

You need to have an active membership for the Quant Portfolio to access the Quant Dashboard and the trading signals

The layout of the Quant Dashboard is the same for all Quant Portfolios:

We start with the TOP part of the Quant Dashboard and use the ARROW US Tech 100 Portfolio as an example:

Under the name of the Quant Portfolio you find important information about the Quant Portfolio.

Datasource: This is the data source for the stock data.

Currency: The currency for all price values

Order validity: Orders are always valid for the trading day (End-of-Day). Shows also the time period when the order is valid.

Screenshot of Quant Dashboard ARROW US Tech 100

Section: Key Performance Indicators:

This section gives you an overview of the Quant Portfolios performance figures.

YTD Return: this is the return of the Quant Portfolio in the current year in percent

3Y Return: this is the return over the last three years

5y Return: this is the return over the last five years

CAGR: Compound annual growth rate means the average return per year (%)

Sharpe Ratio: Shows the Sharpe Ratio of the quant portfolio

Sortino Ratio: Shows the Sortine Ratio of the quant portfolio

alpha: Alpha factor

beta: beta factor

For an explanation of all performance indicators, please review the relevant help documents in the folder Quant Portfolio

Section: latest trading signals

In the table you find the trading signals of each trading day. The trading signals are updated on daily basis. If there are new trading signals in the dashboard, you get push email that signals you, that you can now view the latest trading signals.

All trading signals are available in the Quant Dashboard hours before market open and are valid for the trading day.

Important note: All stock-based Quant Portfolios are long only systems. We do not enter a short position in stock trading. Sell orders are there to close existing positions in your account and NOT TO GO SHORT.

TRADING DATE: This is the date for the trading day


  • LIMIT BUY: this is a buy signals to buy the stock shown in the row with a limit order. Please make sure that your broker offers the placement of limit orders.
  • LIMIT SELL: this is the sell signals to close an open position in the portfolio with a limit order

STOCK: Name of the underlying

ISIN: Stock Identification Number (International Securities Identification Number)

ENTRY PRICE: This is the price paid when the position bought. Entry price is only shown for existing positions

ENTRY DATE: This is the date, when the position was bought


  • the limit buy price for the buy orders
  • the limit sell price for the sell orders

CHANGE: Indicates the change in limit price between the current and the previous trading date.

PROFIT: Shows the current open profit of the position since entry

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