The Quants - Basic Principles and Mechanics

Quant4you Quants are mathematical models, that are used to analyze price action of each stocks. So, if you ask yourself "What is a Quant"?, then the answer is simple

Quants is the short form of quantitative analysis and are algorithmic models that analyze the price action (i.e price swings of a stock) in order to find buy and sell levels. Quants have a quant profile or quant layout. This gives the quant its characteristic to be either defensive, balanced or more offensive.

There are a lot of advantages with quants. They are emotionless, structured, trade systematically and follow a pre-defined risk-return profile.

This is why traders that use quant systems very often outperform indizes in the long-term as the quants trade systematic and react to different market phases according to their quant layout. This helps traders to navigate their portfolio professionally and emotionless.

Quant4you offers two types of Quants.

A) TRADING QUANTS (mostly used by active traders and investors)

  • MOUNT (offensive profile)
  • ARROW (balanced profile)
  • SOLID (defensive profile)

B) INVESTING QUANTS (mostley used by passive investors with a longer term horizon)

  • BAND (offensive profile)

First, we explain how the TRADING QUANTS work. The basic principles are the same for all TRADING QUANTS.

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