What kind of Signals do I get?

The Proton System generates one signal per day (if there is a signal). So it could be that there are days without a signal. On average, you get a signal every third day. A Trade last for a maximum of 5 days and has a time based exit if the signals are not met.

Proton exists in two versions:

Proton-O (Overnight): The signals are generated overnight and are available at ca. 7 AM CET. This is especially good for Traders who what to place an order in the morning hours for the day.

Proton-I (Intraday): The signals are generated intraday at 11.30 AM CET and are available ca. 12 AM CET.

Entry Signals:

  • Proton is a long/short system. You get long signals as well as short signals on the DAX Performance Index.
  • The Entry is always a limit order valid for 24 hours

Exit Signals:

  • With the Entry Signal, also the Exit is prefined. If you enter a position, then the Take profit is +8%, the stop loss is -4% and the time-based exit is 5 days
  • All Exit signals are communicated with the entry signals

As can be seen in the screenshot below, all Proton signals are very transparent with ENTRY AND EXIT CONDITIONS


  • You can use all kind of derivatives on the DAX Performance Index to make the trade. Typically, most traders use
    • DAX Future
    • DAX CFDs
    • DAX Open End Turbos
      • We provide Trades with a set of products for trading Proton. The derivatives are linked to Proton Signal. You can select the leverage from the Leveraged Product finder for the signals.

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